Bylaws & Elections

Grand Canyon Historical Society is governed by its Bylaws.
2024 Bylaws (July 2024) - Revised 2024 Bylaws
2024 Bylaws (June 2024) - 2024 Bylaws
2022 Bylaws - 2022 Bylaws
2021 Bylaws - 2021 Bylaws
2018 Bylaws - 2018 Bylaws
2014 Bylaws - 2014 Bylaws
1995 Bylaws - 1995 Bylaws
1984 Bylaws - Inuagural Meeting Minutes and Bylaws
1984 Articles on Incorporation
The procedure for electing Board Members was updated July 10, 2024. That document is here.
2024 Bylaws (July 2024) - Revised 2024 Bylaws
2024 Bylaws (June 2024) - 2024 Bylaws
2022 Bylaws - 2022 Bylaws
2021 Bylaws - 2021 Bylaws
2018 Bylaws - 2018 Bylaws
2014 Bylaws - 2014 Bylaws
1995 Bylaws - 1995 Bylaws
1984 Bylaws - Inuagural Meeting Minutes and Bylaws
1984 Articles on Incorporation
The procedure for electing Board Members was updated July 10, 2024. That document is here.
Elections in 2024
The Grand Canyon Historical Society (GCHS) elects new members to the board every fall to serve a three-year term. If you are interested in being a nominee for the board or know somebody who would be a good candidate, please send a nominee submission, including a brief bio, of no more than 250 words, between August 1 and September 30, 2024 to: GCHS Secretary at
Qualifications to be a Board member are provided in the latest 2024 bylaws and the election procedure linked above, but most importantly require a love of the Grand Canyon and its history, and a willingness to provide time and expertise in support of the Society’s mission. Board member duties include but are not limited to providing input on Board decisions, electing officers, selecting scholarship and award recipients, helping to arrange or support outings, and planning/implementing the next History Symposium.
Board members need to be GCHS members in good standing and do not necessarily need to live in Flagstaff or at the Grand Canyon as a lot of business is conducted through ZOOM, phone, and email. These are volunteer positions; attendance at all meetings is strongly encouraged. Board meetings are usually conducted in Flagstaff or at the South Rim from one to four times a year, though some are also being conducted virtually. Ideally Board members will always attend the annual meeting in January where officers are elected.
Candidates may be vetted by a Nominating Committee and the Board for approval to be listed on the ballot. In November ballots will be sent to the membership with election results determined and candidates notified on or before December 5th.
Having an active board and officers is critical to maintaining a healthy and active society - please consider applying or nominating someone.
If you have any questions, please contact: President Dave Mortenson at
The Grand Canyon Historical Society (GCHS) elects new members to the board every fall to serve a three-year term. If you are interested in being a nominee for the board or know somebody who would be a good candidate, please send a nominee submission, including a brief bio, of no more than 250 words, between August 1 and September 30, 2024 to: GCHS Secretary at
Qualifications to be a Board member are provided in the latest 2024 bylaws and the election procedure linked above, but most importantly require a love of the Grand Canyon and its history, and a willingness to provide time and expertise in support of the Society’s mission. Board member duties include but are not limited to providing input on Board decisions, electing officers, selecting scholarship and award recipients, helping to arrange or support outings, and planning/implementing the next History Symposium.
Board members need to be GCHS members in good standing and do not necessarily need to live in Flagstaff or at the Grand Canyon as a lot of business is conducted through ZOOM, phone, and email. These are volunteer positions; attendance at all meetings is strongly encouraged. Board meetings are usually conducted in Flagstaff or at the South Rim from one to four times a year, though some are also being conducted virtually. Ideally Board members will always attend the annual meeting in January where officers are elected.
Candidates may be vetted by a Nominating Committee and the Board for approval to be listed on the ballot. In November ballots will be sent to the membership with election results determined and candidates notified on or before December 5th.
Having an active board and officers is critical to maintaining a healthy and active society - please consider applying or nominating someone.
If you have any questions, please contact: President Dave Mortenson at